120 N. 31st Street, Colorado Springs

Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m.

Education Hour: 10:30 a.m.

Church & Preschool Office: 719-632-9394


"It takes a village," the adage goes. And so it is with Rock of Ages. We are blessed by the service of several regular staff members and many volunteers whom you will see on Sunday mornings or if you pop in during the week.

Rev. Daniel Warner


After growing up in Iowa, Pastor Daniel fell in love with the mountains after visiting Philmont Scout Ranch in the late 90's. In 2022, Pastor Daniel was delighted to receive a call back to serve the saints at "the Rock" after previously serving as their vicar several years earlier. He and his wife, Rachel, enjoy puzzles, fiber arts (mostly knitting), and chasing their toddler around.

Rev. James Maxwell

Pastor & Rocky Mountain District President

Pastor James has been at Rock of Ages for almost 10 years and is never afraid to try something new and see if the Holy Spirit will bless it. He loves the visual arts and strives to be creative in preaching while being faithful to the scriptures appointed for the day. He’s also known at ROA for his extensive use of children’s books as illustrations. When there’s free time, Pastor James can be found skiing and camping with his wife and four children.

On the Sundays you don't see Pastor James around, it's because he currently also serves as the Rocky Mountain District President. Many congregations across Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah (plus a congregation in El Paso, TX) keep him pretty busy.

Rev. Bill Beck


Miss Deanna Otto

Preschool Director

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